Church of Sonology
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liaison sonology is many things to many people, but, to me, sonology is a generous religion
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As liaison officer of the Church of Sonology, liaison’s duties cover the promotion of the Sonological Process. According to liaison, “Sonology is the next generation in religious service providing, and I’m here to help spread that message so that people and institutions can benefit from the Sonological Enterprise.”

liaison is responsible for the marketing and distribution of the Church’s research activities, technology transfer and consultancy services. “I am,” liaison laughs, “a kind of conduit—the first port of call for those interested in what Sonology has to offer.”


“Sonology is many things to many people, but, to me at least, Sonology is a generous religion.” liaison continues, “and I know from experience that there are many people out there who are willing to give; to contribute to Sonology.

“We are,” he adds, “always, always, interested in hearing from people. Whatever your area of expertise. Whatever your skills. Whatever it is you can give, can contribute to the Church of Sonology. We’d like to hear from you.”

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site maintained by sibling liaison
hosted by siblings root and resplendent


updated: june 2005